/* JS para menú plegable móvil Divi */

Robotics for coffee packaging

SIEMENS Motion Control Specialists

We present the new generation of I+DELTA BOX. Three differentiated series in eight models of cartoners adaptable to various cadences, types of capsules, mosaics and packaging.


Cartoner with a rate of 200/250 capsules/minute.

200/250 cap/min.

1 Height Packaging

Cartoner with a rate of 200/250 capsules/minute.

200/250 cap/min.

Packaging up to 4 heights

Cartoner with a rate of 400/500 capsules/minute.

200/250 cap/min.

Packaging up to 4 heights


Connect, collect and report

A production software that connects machines and collects data in real time, reporting valuable information to improve efficiency and decision making.


Software for the management of I + DELTA BOX production